Smals’ German arm produces half a million tonnes of special sand and construction sand every year, with a composition tailored to customers’ requirements. This is delivered by truck from two separate locations to concrete and asphalt plants, roadbuilding projects and sports pitches.
The two current production sites have been in operation since 2006. One of these is in Wippingen, 20 km across the border and 40 km to the northeast of Emmen. The other is situated in Kalle, east of the Dutch town of Hardenberg and 10 km into Germany.
In both locations the material is extracted by unmanned suction dredgers. These are winched into place on a gradually expanding lake and carry out their work fully automatically. They can reach down to depths of up to 25 metres and operate in a way that leaves the banks undamaged. Following initial separation using a sand wheel, various techniques are used to achieve the right composition. As always, our activities include measures to protect the natural environment and give it a helping hand. The working method has been certified and is monitored by the Dutch and German authorities.
- Raw material for concrete, asphalt and roadbuilding
- Special sands for sports pitches
- Certification in accordance with CE standards and the Dutch Building Materials Decree
- Monitored by Güteüberwachung KSSR and SKG-IKOB