Nobody wants to be flooded and prevention is better than cure. As a family company from the Netherlands, a country with water in abundance, flood protection is a constant area of focus for Smals. With our commitment and experience we help create certainty for citizens and businesses and support public and water authorities.
Smals is involved in a number of projects intended to create more room for our rivers. Widening, deepening and expanding waterways is one of our core activities and enhancing the environment forms an integral part of such projects. Strengthening and raising dykes using thickened silt from nearby bodies of water is another technique that Smals uses to protect against flooding. Flood prevention plays a key role in all the hydraulic engineering projects that Smals initiates or is involved in.
- Cooperation with public authorities and businesses
- Exceptional, comprehensive range of equipment available
- Improving safety and enhancing nature frequently go hand in hand
Constant focus on the safety of citizens and businesses

Riverbeds and harbours need to be constantly improved to increase the level of flood protection. In the Slochterdiep canal in Northeast Groningen, for example, we removed silt and raised the level of the dyke, while in Karlsruhe, Germany, we worked on improvements to drainage channels.

Smals has a wide range of suction, excavation and auxiliary equipment at its disposal to maintain waterways and wetlands. This includes suction dredgers, pumps, pontoons, pipelines and tugs of various types and sizes, and more besides